Beyond the Call of Duty, with Colonel Bernard Fisher, USAF (Retired)

Providing close air support to ground troops in Vietnam was hazardous anytime,
but on March 10, 1966, the Special Forces in the old French Fortress of Ashau were in particular trouble as the Viet Cong closed in. When an American airman went down, his death was a near certainty. That’s when Major Bernie Fisher had a decision to make: leave the pilot to his fate or undertake a near-suicidal landing to help him out. Bernie’s decision made him just one of sixteen members in the history of the Air Force to earn the Congressional Medal of Honor.
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Deseret Book
The Story of an American Hero
Vietnam War Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient Major Bernard Francis Fisher, USAF
Ted M. Demars
As a former pilot and navigator with 195 combat missions over Vietnam I found Beyond the Call of Duty to be not only fascinating but extremely accurate. This is the kind of book you don’t put down, as it so vividly describes the life, the joys, and the heartaches of an Air Force aviator.
Bill GallagherBernie Fisher’s story will appeal to all Americans, as it tells not just of heroic moments but also of the daily effort spent by members of the Armed Services in defending our freedom.
John Bytheway
I love airplanes and I love airplane stories, but this book is about more than airplanes. After finishing Beyond the Call of Duty I have a new hero. Bernie Fisher’s daring mission under fire in Vietnam had me on the edge of my seat